Hometown: Boston, MA
Ether Keither is the music producer moniker for Boston-area landscaper Keith Charles Torres. "Landscaper by day, dreamer by night" adorns his Soundcloud, social and streaming profiles. The energy Ether Keither emits comes from a deep passion for both family and creativity. "I'm trying to make music people will like so I can help my parents." What more noble motivation is there?
"I do not sing or rap." Ether Keither makes it clear that he is a 100% focused producer, reviewing and mentally cataloguing millions of samples across platforms including Landr, Loopcloud, and Splice. Patience, in his mind, is what it takes to find the perfect samples for each project. But for Ether Keither, it's all about authenticity. In an age where AI is seeming to takeover, Ether Keither cultivates each track by hand, using a finely tuned ear, not relying on shortcuts or taking the easy way out.
His producing mantra is that "everything is a demo until it has a picture." Much the same way that a carefully tended lawn comes together as a complex work of art, so do Ether Keither's tracks. And his methods have no limits. He can incorporate your vocals into a track, livestream the process, and isn't relegated to a specific subgenre of electronic music. It is the nature of his projects that take him from Point A to Point B. As he puts it, "I'm on a quest to create a hit that'll not only move your soul but also move me closer to a dream of my own."
There is a sincerity behind Ether Keither's motivation. You get no sense that he's out to make a quick buck. "If you have a passion for creating a hit and need help, just ask. I will show you the way of the force if I can."
A man on a mission. The true American blue collar story of building one's dreams day-by-day for the sake of their family. His music is forward thinking--whether it be blasting in an European club at 4AM or backing a burgeoning artist's debut record. Ether Keither is the music team you didn't know you had available to you.
You can find him at @EtherKeither on all platforms.