Hometown: Kelowna, BC, Canada
Tommy first came to the attention of Pacific Records Ltd, after writing Lynne Taylor Donovan's cross-over hit single "Sugar Lake", that quickly and powerfully shot to the top of the charts. Soon thereafter Tommy was signed by Pacific Records to a record deal. His first 2 singles have been received with critical acclaim, and to rave reviews.
Tommy is first and foremost a songwriter. He loves to tell stories through his music about everyday people and events. When asked during a recent interview (Shaw TV's "The Seen") how he does this he replied: "I just write about the lives of regular people, like me, you know? For better or worse, that's what I know, that's what I live, so that's what I write."
Tommy had been surrounded by music his whole life by family members going back some generations. He picked up his first guitar at seventeen and hasn't stopped playing since. Singing and song writing followed soon thereafter. His passion to create music shines as he states: "Composing and performing music for a living may not be the easiest or most stable job, but in my opinion, it’s the greatest job on earth! I wouldn't have it any other way".
Tommy has several artists that have been great influences and inspirations to him, way too many to include them all here. However some of his top favourites are Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon, and Tupac Shakur. He goes on to say however: "In recent reviews I have been compared to some of these GREATS! I am deeply honoured and humbled by this, but the greatest lesson of all that I have learned from these amazing musicians, is that it is always better to be an original than a copy."