
by Tu Michael

Until today, Coyote Music's reviews have covered live shows, albums, EPs, and demos. But recently, I stumbled upon Tu Michael, a dancer from Hanoi, Vietnam. I'm inspired to write this review of his work because I think it underscores the universal nature of music itself.

Tu Michael works at a bank in Hanoi. He's got the dreaded "day job," just as many artists do, so he can financially support his artistic outlet: dancing.

Ultimately, it was the music and moves of The King of Pop that brought Tu Michael under my radar. You can find him online and place your order, then "Moondancer" (Tu Michael's stage name) will dance in the style of Michael Jackson to an MJ song, or any other song of your choosing.

From quality standpoint, Tu Michael is not up there with the renowned Michael Jackson impersonators, nor does he claim to be. Performers like Navi and Maxx Vega appear have shared Michael's plastic surgeon—their authenticity reaches clone-like levels. Instead, it is Tu Michael's normalcy, his every-man persona, that I find most compelling.

The moves and grooves of Michael Jackson have inspired a guy in Vietnam to dance in the public eye. Then taking it a step further, the world at large is taken enough by Tu Michael's dances and his incorporation of those into short videos, that Tu Michael has made himself into a bit of an internet sensation.

Having a video of a stranger dancing like MJ may or may not be your thing. But just as you might go out to a club to support your friend's band despite them not being U2 or Lady Gaga, some of you may opt to check out Tu Michael's whole Moondancer persona. He's a real guy, actually dancing, working to carve his own niche in the entertainment industry. And by virtue of the internet, this particular guy on the other side of the planet has successfully made his way from his living room to you.

Posted on 11/25/12