
by Todd Underwood

Track listing: Welcome to the Stage, First in Line, Its not Broken, Outside, Something You wanted to Say, Too Soon to Quit, Shadow of the Battlefield, Reap what I sow, Glass House, Ride it High, Tell Me Not to Worry

Todd Underwood's latest release is entitled Outside. As I count it, it's his twenty-second full length album, at least according to the albums appearing on Underwood's Bandcamp profile. You might argue that one or two of those records are EPs, but that's really splitting hairs when you're this prolific.

Outside screams 90s Alternative right atcha. "It's Not Broken" hits the ear with what this drummer can only describe as "a King's X chord." I just don't have the music theory acumen to describe it better than that. But as the verse and chorus progress, I hear more "Living Colour chords" with a straight up 90s Alt-Pop bridge.

Certainly throughout the entirety of Outside, there's an undeniable musical intelligence at work. These songs aren't G-C-D progressions by any means. There are elements of funk and fusion. And if you dig the aforementioned King's X, you'll love bits of their tendencies sprinkled throughout the record.

Outside's production is standout--incredibly crystal clear while also being supremely full-bodied. It's difficult to get "clean" without sounding empty and it's likewise as difficult to produce a rich-sounding record that isn't stuffed to the gills with too many parts. Underwood's had enough experience writing and recording that he's figured this out...and that makes for a wonderful listening experience. 

The more I listen, I'm reminded of several other Florida-area bands I've run across over the years. Right around 25 years ago I found Hank Madison, loved them, and reviewed their incredible demo. About the same time I worked a bit with another Tallahassee band, Presence, and was introduced to the folks who brought Creed to fame. While Todd Underwood isn't any of these artists, there's a certain Floridian je ne sais quoi about the high musical IQs, stellar production, and some odd common bond with Ty Tabor's guitar tone.

Check out Todd Underwood when you have a chance. You can find him on Spotify and Apple music, as well as toddunderwood.bandcamp.com. There's a whole library of his music in which you can immerse yourself. Get lost in it--it could be like a Florida vacation without all the travel hassles.

Posted on 1/8/25