"Lottery" by Jim Patton & Sherry Brokus, Live at Jumping Dog Studios in Austin, Texas

Husband & wife duo Jim Patton and Sherry Brokus have been playing together for more than 40 years. They've got a new album due out in September 2024 and leading up to that have dropped this delightful in-studio performance of "Lottery."

Jim says of the song: "I began this one with the late Scott Evans, my ex-brother in law, in 1988 or 89. When I 'rediscovered' it, none of the lyrics rhymed, line length was 'whatever fits'. But the idea is still the same. It takes winning the lottery figuratively to lead a decent life in America. And it says how simple the guy's requests are, and what he plans to do when he wins. No "I"m going to Disney World" for him. He's going to smile when he pays his bills."

Posted on 8/8/24