Take a Shot of Blues with SOUTHDOGROCK's "Ugly Brothers" Lyric Video
"Ugly Brothers"

SOUTHDOGROCK says it plain and simple: "Blues Rock with a splash of funky feeling how we think it should be served : straight like a good whiskey." Who can argue with that?

The German-based quintet featuring Salva Balbo (guitar), Florian Döppert (vocals, blues harp), Frank Heider (bass), Martin Hugenschmidt (drums), and Frank Schultz (keyboards) have made quite a stir on the scene. The band's tracks on Spotify have garnered streams numbering in the hundreds of thousands. And while their YouTube Channel only has tens of thousands of views, it's still a helluva lot more than most bands.

It's also intriguing (and helpful) that most of their videos are lyric videos--helpful because they record in both English and German. When it comes to subject matter, there's a smattering of fun, silly, and rockin' but songs like "The Street" deal with social issues like youth homelessness. 

So take a little trip to SOUTHDOGROCK on your preferred streaming platform. Their sound is fun, laid back, and gives you the best of the combination of American Blues/Rock with a German twist.

Posted on 12/19/24