David Belmont of Windwater Ensemble sends this request for your support of the All Stars Project, an after school, performance-based enrichment program for inner- city youth.
Hi Friends...Hope you are doing well and beating the heat!I want to ask you to support a truly wonderful organization where I volunteer—the All Stars Project. It's a national non-profit that creates outside of school, educational and performing arts activities for thousands of poor and minority young people. It sponsors community and experimental theatre (yes, this is where I am the Music Director), develops leadership training and pursues volunteer initiatives that build and strengthen communities.
The All Stars' latest major initiative is called Operation Conversation: Cops and Kids. Started in the aftermath of the Sean Bell shooting in Queens 6 years ago, it brings together police officers who work in the poor communities of color of NYC and the young people who live there...in workshop settings performing improv games and building a theatrical play together, under the direction of Dr. Lenora Fulani. This project has recently been endorsed by Commissioner Ray Kelly and is being incorporated into the police department's community relations training program. I dare say we've built something positive and forward-looking out of the Sean Bell tragedy!
The All Stars is having their 17th Annual Bowl-A-Thon on Sunday, July 15 and I'm supporting the event.
Please give $10, $25, $50 (if you're feelin' prosperous). You can contribute by going to this link:
Please Contribute Online
at Active.com/donate/allstarsbowl12/davidb
Thanks much...
Learn more about All Stars at AllStars.org.