Excerpted from austin.citysearch.com and quoted on a 54 Seconds fan website.
CitySearch.com's Workers' Playtime feature claims to provide "5 Best Bets From Those In The Know." In the summer of 1999, one of the best bets according to Coyote Music's Wiley Koepp revolved around Austin drummers:
"It wasn't until my first Davíd Garza show in '91 that I awoke from my glam rock slumber. Since then I've tried to steal as much as possible from Davíd's drummer, Michael Hale (Raggamassive, Concerto Grosso). Mike has a gift of mixing appropriate amounts of style, technique, and musicality. Brannen Temple and J. J. Johnson complete what I think is the Austin percussive trifecta. I've seen these guys play in dozens of line-ups. I use each performance as a personal drum clinic, creatively "borrowing" as many rhythms as I can remember. Ephraim Owens is a phenomenal trumpet player. Regardless of whether he's playing with a quintet, solo, or accompanying Yashi Vaughn's spoken word, Ephraim is a must-see."
Wiley's remaining 4 Best Bets are no longer available, so thanks to poppyseed.fateback.com for archiving the Workers' Playtime referencing several of 54 Seconds' drummers.