Brandon Riley

Genre: Electronic, Pop
Hometown: Kansas City, MO

Flappers and Fedoras. Prohibition. Parties and gangsters. Glamour and resilience. Class and frivolity. The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression. Inspired by this time period in American history, Brandon Riley decided to embody it. And not just the fashion. But the ideology that even in our darkest hour, we can rise to the occasion and have fun doing it.

Brandon Riley grew up in the Kansas City area and even from a young age, had old tastes. Artists like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were inspirations and he thought to himself, "Now that would be a cool job." Over the next handful of years, Brandon Riley continued honing in his skills as a guitarist, vocalist, pianist, and songwriter. After years of ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, Brandon Riley began to search out other musicians that shared his passion for music. Throughout high school and college, he was in several bands and professionally recorded and released music with each one. Years of working in bands provided Brandon Riley with opportunities of growth and learning, not only with music, but also the business side and entrepreneurship involved in making music. Bands and other music projects came and went and with that Brandon Riley decided to embark in a solo project. Working with producer and previous bandmate Jack Elliott, Brandon Riley wrote and released his first single "Marco Polo" on January 15, 2021.

Posted on 4/30/21